Martial sheets as a source of learning guerrilla activity


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Along with partisan printed periodicals and leaflets that were distributed mostly
among the occupied territories, an important source for the study of individual points in
the partisan movement in Ukraine is fighting sticks and wall newspapers. They are the
basis for a comprehensive study of the sources of information to play an integral, objective
and multidimensional picture of life in partisan detachments. Their importance is enhanced
by the fact that to date has not created a synthesis study in which a collection of internal
partisan press would be seen as a historical source.
Done partisan press of source analysis internal use and covers various aspects of guerrilla
life: socialist competitions, training, performances. Through the prism of war leaves raised the
issue of military discipline and self-discipline, as well as their relationship with the local population,
the problem of alcoholism. Attention is paid to figures editors of publications internationalism
and antinazi movement in occupied Ukraine.[/restab]

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