Theatre activity of community “Prosvita” in Chernihiv province in 1906-1918 years


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According to the company’s charter “Prosvita” united in certain sections depending on the
direction of their work. Thus were created: lecture, library, theater and others.
Theater activity was started at the general meeting of March 17, 1906. In this regard was
provided the creation of artistic commission which had to organize performances, concerts,
literary-music evenings.
Members of the community “Prosvita” through the organization of theater, literature-music
and children’s parties were trying to convey to the society the idea of Ukrainian culture, the spirit of
national pride and raise self-consciousness of every Ukrainian, despite his social status.
The initial stage of the theater section of Chernihiv “Prosvita” from 1906 to 1911 shows
that during those years were passed a fruitful path, indicated by the ideological and artistic
struggle for the formation of national theatrical culture. The second stage of the theater section
of “Prosvita” coincided with a wave of revival educational movement in Ukraine in 1917. April
24, 1917 at the first general meeting of the Chernihiv community was decided to resume the
activities of all sections of community, including the theater. According to region press, the
activities of amateur dramatic group in society was active. Theatric section of “Prosvita” had
been working throughout the all Chernihiv region. The second stage of the educational
communities affected take off cultural movement in the field of national education of adults.
Accordingly, “Prosvita” as an important instrument of education self-consciousness citizen,
paid great attention to the activities of dramatic and musical groups.
Theatеr amateur activity became one of the most common and important areas of “Prosvita”.[/restab]

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