№ XIV-XV, 2011
KHLYNINA T.P. (Rostov-na-Donu, Russia) The archives as the memory practice and it possibilities in marstering the past
VLASENKO V.М. (Kyiv) Broadening the horizons of cooperation
MANGACHEV P. (Sofіya, Bolgarіya) Some examples of the successful initiation of the Ukrainians to the Bulgarian public and cultural life
YAKIMOVA A.М. (Sofіya, Bolgarіya) Correspondence of Lidiya Schischmanof with Emil Roland
VLASENKO V.М. (Kyiv) Ukrainian emigrants in Bulgaria and L.M.Shishmanova-Dragomanova: unknown correspondence (the materіals Scientific Archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
VASYLYEV K.K. (Odessa) “Semashko model”. The professor Samuil Borisovich Dubrovinsky’s (1885-1975) recollection about the organizers of the health system and social hygienist N.A.Semashko and his colleagues – Z.P.Solovyov and А.N.Sysin
DUBROVINSKY S.B. (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) About the first organizers of the Soviet health system. From the Recollections of an Old Epidemiologist
STARIKOV G.M. (Kyiv) The last letters of Alexandra Efimenko
ZVAGELSKIY V.B. (Sumy) The route of seversky regiments to Polovets Steppe in the spring of 1185: under the aspect of historiography
CHORTENKO A.M. (Sumy) The activity of students in Ukrainian political parties of Naddnipryanschina at the beginning of XX century in modern Ukrainian historiography
PARKHOMENKO V.A. (Mikolaiv) Memoirs on the activities of the Ukrainian Central Rada in June-November 1917
BURIM D.V. (Kyiv) Evolution of Dmytro Doroshenko’ ideological and political views and his participation in the Ukrainian Hetman Movement
BAZHAN O.G. (Kyiv) “National Operations” People’s Commssariat of internal affairs during the Great Terror (from the SBU Archives)
TAZHIDINOVA I.G. (Krasnodar, Russia) The diaries of the Great Patriotic War participiants as historical source
GERASIMOV T.Y., ROMANYUK I.M. (Vіnnitsya) Leisure time of Podillia residents in the times of the Hetmanate of Pavlo Skoropadsky (April 29 – December 14, 1918)
KRINKO E.F. (Rostov-na-Donu, Russia) In last way: the soviet funeral practice in 1917-1945
LUKYANENKO O.V. (Poltava) “Life’s price” of Poltava educators of de-stalinization period
SHEVCHUK B.L. (Zhytomyr) Powers of officials and staff of the Volyn Treasury Chamber at the end of the XVIII century – 1860s
MASLOV М.P. (Kharkіv) Ukrainian butter making in the XIX – early XX cent.
IVASCHENKO Y.I. (Kyiv) Influence of the events of 1917-1919 on the activity of the Kiev municipal duma
DANYLENKO O.V. (Kyiv) International communication of Ukrainian Red Cross in 1920-th
KLYMENKO V.A. (Sumy) Sumy city councils in the 20-30s of the XX cent.
SHAYKAN V.O. (Kryvyi Rіg) Means influence ideological in population of the process sovietization of Western Ukrainian 1939-1940
MOLDAVCHUK N.M. (Kyiv) Culture of Kiev period of German occupation 1941-1943
KOROL V.M. (Sumy) Mobilization of Sumy land youth to educational institutions of the Labor Reserves system in the Recovery period (1943-1950)
MELNYK A.B. (Vіnnitsya) Post-war Ukraine: social consequences of World War II
ZHUKOV O.V. (Luhans’k) Aggravation of the international situation on the Far East at the end of the XIX cr. Attempts of the Great Britain to abandon its policy of “Splendid isolation”
SHARPATIY V.G. (Kyiv) Bolshevik “blocking” of Alexander Blok in the early 1920s
YELYSEEV A.B. (Minsk, Belarus) Everyday World of the Soviet Citizen in the 1920-40s.: Editors: Y.F.Krynko, T.P.Khlynina. – Rostov-na-Dony: Southern Scientific Centre of Academy of Sciences of Russia Press, 2009. – 384 p.
DEGTYAREV S.I. (Kyiv) Zvahelskyi V.B. Historical Geography of the Left-Bank Ukraine during the Middle Ages (in the context of studying “Slovo o Polku Ihorevim”). Kyiv-Sumy, Sumy state university Press, 2010. – 236 p.
STETSURA Y.A. (Armavir, Russia) Encyclopedia of Kyban Cossacks / Chief editor V.M.Ratushniak. – Krasnodar: Tradutsia, 2011. 504 p., contains illustrations
POBOZHIY S.I. (Sumy) The Book of Works of the Giant of Arts Studies
STARIKOV G.M. (Kyiv) The Chronicle of the Scientific Life
YAKIMOVA A., SMEKHOV V. (Sofіya, Bolgarіya – Kyiv, Ukraine) VI International Scientific Conference “Drahomanov Studies”
DEGTYAREV S.I. (Kyiv) Joint event by M.S.Hrushevskii Institute of Ukrainian archeography and source study of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Sumy state university
EDIT. Dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Science P.S.Sohan