From History of activity of the Union of Ukrainian Students’ “Osnova” in the High Technical School in Danzig in the 20s of the 20th century


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Germany was one of whose countries where during the Interwar Years not only political but
also great intellectual Ukrainian forces were concentrated. A lot of Ukrainian scientists, cultural
figures and students stayed there. While the 1920s-1930s Ukrainian students attended many
Germany high schools such as Frederick William University of Berlin, the High Technical School
in Berlin, the High Commercial School in Berlin, the High Agricultural School in Berlin, the
High School of Veterinary Medicine in Berlin, the High Technical School in Danzig, the University
of Kцnigsberg, the University of Gцttingen, the University of Kiel, Leipzig University, the
University of Tьbingen etc.
In most universities, where Ukrainians studied, Ukrainian student centers were organized
and functioned actively, for example, the Union of Ukrainian Students Osnova and the Society
of Ukrainian Students Chornomore in Danzig, the Club of Ukrainian Students at the University
of Berlin, the Association of Ukrainian Students in Germany in Berlin, the Union Osnova in
Berlin, the Association of Agronomists, Foresters and Veterinarians in Germany in Berlin, the
Committee of Ukrainian Students from the Green Wedge in Berlin, the Union of Ukrainian
Students at the University of Kцnigsberg etc.
In the 1920s Ukrainian student organizations in Germany were united in the Ukrainian
Union of Student Organizations in Germany (later the Ukrainian Union of Student Organizations
in Germany and the Free City Danzig), which, in its turn, was included to the Central Union of
Ukrainian Students in Prague.
On the 9-10th of August 1924th the 1st Congress of Ukrainian Students in Germany and the
Free City Danzig took place in Berlin, during which the Centre of Ukrainian Student Organizations
in Germany was founded. The Centre included such organizations as the Union of Ukrainian Students
Osnova in Danzig, the Association of Ukrainian Students in Germany, the Committee of Ukrainian
Students from the Green Wedge in Europe, the Union Osnova in Berlin, the Association of Ukrainian
Agronomists, Foresters and Veterinarians in Germany in Berlin and the Union of Ukrainian Students
at the University of Kцnigsberg.
On a par with Berlin, Danzig with its High Technical School was one of the most powerful
Ukrainian student centers during the Interwar Years. The High Technical School was founded in
1904th as Kaiser Wilhelm II Technische Hochschule Danzig. In 1904th-1918th it was named Kцnigliche
Technische Hochschule zu Danzig, in 1918th-1921th – Technische Hochschule in Danzig, in 1921th-
1939th – Technische Hochschule der Freien Stadt Danzig, in 1939th-1941th – Technische Hochschule
Danzig, in 1941th-1945th – Reichshochschule Danzig, from 1945th – Politechnika Gdaсska.
The first Ukrainian students appeared in Danzig in 1921th. From 1922th Ukrainians had
been arrived in a large number. During 1921th-1945th over 200 Ukrainians studied in the High
Technical School in Danzig. Finally, 140 persons got engineer’s degree and 4 persons got
Ph.D. Most Ukrainians studied on the faculties of civil building, mechanical and electrical
engineering, shipbuilding and on the chemical one.
In Danzig, Ukrainian students united into the Union of Ukrainian Students Osnova in the High
Technical School in Danzig. The Union started to work on the 15th of October 1922th and had been
working since 1945th. In Danzig were also such Ukrainian student organizations as the Corporation
Chornomore, the Corporation Halych, the Corporations Zarevo and Smoloskyp, the Cooperative
of Ukrainian Technicians, the Ivan Franko Society, the Dragomanov Community, the Club of Native
School, the Sport Club, the Singing Club Surma, the Club of Iron Spurs, the Club Dnipro, the Club
of Scientific Terminology and others. Some of them were members of Osnova.
The main goal of the Union of Ukrainian Students Osnova in the High Technical School in
the Free City Danzig was to represent the interests of Ukrainian students before the Senate of High
Technical School and local civil administration, «to promote Ukrainian students and their matter in
relations with German and foreign communities, to represent student center before Ukrainian society,
to propagandize Ukrainian matter in foreign world, to create the institutional framework for internal
activity and to give material backing to members».
In Appendixes to the article the documents, which enlighten the activity of Union of Ukrainian
Students Osnova in the High Technical School in Danzig in 1920s, are represented. These documents
are keeping in the Central State Archive of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine
in the fund 4390 ‘The Ukrainian Union of Student Organizations in Germany (August 1924th –
January 1925th) and the Ukrainian Union of Student Organizations in Germany and the Free
City Danzig (since February 1925th).[/restab]

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