Formation of the Bureaucratic Apparatus of the Ukrainian Derzhava (Ukrainian State)


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This work is devoted to such an aspect of the domestic policy of the Government of the Ukrainian State and Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky as the building up of the bureaucratic system. This system has ensured the proper functioning of the various then existing government institutions. As sources, the author used official documents, in particular, the regulations of 1918, archival sources, contemporary memories, the press of the investigated period and scientific research of modern scholars. This enabled an objective assessment of the Hetman government for the restructuring of public administration and bureaucracy. Particular attention was paid to the personnel policy of the Ukrainian government, the material provision of civil servants, and some problems of a socio-political nature that influenced the work of the bureaucratic apparatus of the Ukrainian State. The author concludes that during the brief existence of the Ukrainian State on the issue of the development of the national bureaucracy, the government paid great attention. To do this, many concrete measures have been taken. A sufficiently branched control system was very quickly created and filled by employees. The cadre policy of the hetman’s government has always been criticized by political opponents of Pavlo Skoropadsky and many modern scientists. But according to the author, this policy was sufficiently consistent and aimed at gradual improvement of the administration at all levels. The main obstacle on this path was the difficult military-political situation in which Ukraine was in 1918.


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Ukrainian Derzhava (Ukrainian State), Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky, Bureaucracy, Public Service, 1918. [/restab]

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