Socio-economic background of the colonial policy of Germany: 1871-1884
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The article examines the economic development and social situation in Germany in the years
1871-1884 in the context of the impact of these factors on the onset of colonial expansion, its
causes and character. Determined that the nature of the socio-economic background of colonial
policy is the rise in the economic and structural changes in the German economy.
The influence of the German victory in the Franco-Prussian war in the deployment of the
German colonial program. Particular attention is paid to the role of the representatives of the financial
and industrial circles in the formation of the colonial policy of the Second Reich. Considered economic
confrontation German Empire to other leading countries of the world and strengthen the German
economic expansion. The present paper describes the influence of social factors on the formation of
the colonial policy of Germany. Illuminated position of different social groups in German society in
shaping the foundations of colonial program of the Second Reich. Examined the role of the German
Empire Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in the formation of the German colonial program.[/restab]
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