The Projects of the European Expansion to Egypt (XVII-XVIII cr): reasons and consequences
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The article deals with the study of evolution process of the Egyptian vector of the European
expansion in XVII-XVIII cr. It is stressed that during the previous period (XI-XVI cr.) the
main pretenders to the predominant influence in Egypt were England, Spain, Portugal and
France. It is ascertained that the aggravation of the Russian-Turkish confrontation caused the
appearance of two mutually exclusive approaches in French Near Eastern Policy. The first one was
intended to technical, military and financial support of Sublime Porte in its struggle with Russia; and
the second one was intended to take timely measures on partition of “Turkish inheritance”. The most
important part of this inheritance was Egypt, which had great strategic value as the shortest link
between Europe and India. It was religious factor that played the main role in the struggle between
these countries. The main feature of researched period was the principal rivalry for the dominance in
the Nile’s valley developed between London and Paris; determining factor of this rivalry was
economic. It was this factor that influenced on the character of European powers’ (and first of all –
Great Britain and France) struggle for the predominance in the Near East.[/restab]
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