Democratic and civil control over security and defence of Ukraine: achievements and problems (historical aspects)


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The retrospective analysis of appearing and development of civil democratic control system
over Military Organization And The Department Of Defense And Safety Of Ukraine is made. It is
determined, that the proper conditions for providing civil control have been absent. First of all, the
social consensus has not been agreed. Many people think that civil control means only control,
supervision, determination and penalty of the guilty. Some people consider that civil attempts to
principles of subordination and threaten the military activities.
The attempts to make civil control’s frame wider to civil management of military activities
refuse managements functions of command system and administrative military personnel organization
put under doubtfulness the necessity in the officer as a military commander.
According to the author’s opinion, the most efficient organization of civil control is such
relations between Army and society, when their interests are reconciled and simple dictate of political
will to military is worked. It is important that the definition of military professionalism is one of the
control’s forms of civil control.
The article deals with the problems of personnel provision, legislation regulation of civil control.
The author describes the basic pertaining to development sufficient legislation base, main standards
of effectiveness of civil control are determined.[/restab]

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