Nicholas II and Russian-Japanese Relations in 1894-1904
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The role of Nicholas II of Russia at the increase of tensity at the Russia-Japan relations in
1894-1904 is examined in the article. When he acceded to the throne many countries of Far East
became profitable market of factory commodities as well as valuable source of raw materials for
Europe and the USA. Young Russian emperor also had intentions to extend the sphere of influence
of his state in East Asia. The changes that took place at the Far-Eastern policy of tsar and the
extent of manifestation of his personal will at the process of the rivalry with Japan for the
possibility to win control over Manchuria and Korea are analysed. Special emphasis on selection
of personnel by the emperor for immediate realization of his geopolitical aspirations in the Far
East is placed. The author came to a conclusion about the underestimate by Nicholas II the
importance of timely solution of moot points with Japan by negotiations and about unfounded
tsar’s confidence in impossibility of little insular state to attack the Great Russian Empire. During
the pre-war negotiations with Japan tsar listened to those of his advisers who had recommended
don’t compromise with Japan. The least concession to Nippon means to Nicholas II to lose
face before sovereigns of Great Powers. Struggle for economic goods was in this case less
important. In spite of the reports of Russian diplomats and military experts who served in Japan
Nicholas II couldn’t realized powerful military potential of his “East neighbour”.[/restab]
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