Attempt of Officers of Sumy Hussar Regiment to Release Family Emperor Nicholas II From Imprisonment in Tobolsk, December 1917 – February 1918
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The article, based on the memoirs of K.Sokolov, immigrant and modern Russian historiography,
examines the attempt of Sumy hussars to free the family of the Emperor Nicholas II in December
1917 – February 1918. The author points out why Sumy Hussars performed this task. The author
has also analyzed the circumstances and situation under which the decision about the importance of
this event was made. The circumstances of the realization of a plan to liberate the imperial family
have also been analyzed.
In November – December 1917, the number of officers from Sumy Hussars left the front
which had almost collapsed. They were sent to Moscow, where staff captain K.Sokolov entered
one of the monarchist organizations. In mid- December 1917 he was summoned by the leader of the
organization Polyansky. The meeting adopted a resolution to free the emperor family with the help of
Sumy hussars.
On January 6, 1918 the unit consisting of four persons – K.Sokolov, D.Holovin, Moravsky
and Raevsky went to Tobolsk. Their aim was to surveillance and come in contact with local
monarchists. But in January – February 1918 hussars were twice arrested on suspicion of the
monastery. And they were sent out of the town. Those events ended the plan the release of Emperor
Nicholas II and his family.
Lack of money, unsatisfactory preparation in Tobolsk, Bolsheviks’ victory in Troitsk,
unorganized work of the monarchist organizations prevented the release of the Emperor family.
In general, this research work has studied the role of this activity among similar ones.It should
be noted that Sumy hussars put into practice the plan of the Emperor’s family releasing while other
monarchist organizations and groups considered the attemps of its releasing only theoretically. Their
main aim was providing the financial support of the family during the arrest. Despite the fact that the
Tsar and his family were not released, we believe that the officers of Sumy Hussars led by K.Sokolov
fulfilled their task in full. They were sent to Tobolsk with specific purpose – to monitor and come in
contact with local monarchists. This task was fulfilled by the officers. The rest depended on the
management of the organization.[/restab]
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