The Polish-Ukrainian Conflict in the Carpathian Area of OUN (1943-1945)
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In the article one of the most difficult periods in the common history of the Ukrainian and Polish peoples has been considered, namely – the years of the Second World War, which time manifested the peak of the Polish-Ukrainian opposition. The Polish-Ukrainian opposition with its peak in 1943-1944 took place at the military-organizational level (between the Ukrainian nationalists and Polish underground) and everyday life level (between the Ukrainian and Polish population, firsrt of all, rural). The causes and effects of the Polish-Ukrainian opposition are singled out. It is established that the culmination of the Polish-Ukrainian opposition in Karpatskyi krai fell on the first half, and some of its separate actions fell on the second half of 1944. So, in the end of 1944 – beginning of 1945 the Polish underground on the West Ukrainian lands practically ceased to exist, and the Polish-Ukrainian opposition, in particular, its military part, went into recession.[/restab]
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the Polish-Ukrainian opposition, Karpatskyi krai of OUN, the Ukrainian Liberation Movement, Polish Armija Krajowa.[/restab]
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