The Documents of the State Archives of Sumy Region about Ukranization of the Soviet Staff at the 20 years of the 20th Century


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The author of the article gives the documents which weren’t published earlier. These
documents show practical directions of translation into Ukrainian language the activity of the
Soviet staff (machinery) in Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century. The materials from the
archives notice about strengthening of attention to preparing, up-bringing and putting out the
staff of the native nationality into the staff of the party and state bodies, bringing teaching of the
Ukrainian language at schools, organization of cultural – educational establishments, publication
of books, newspapers and magazines in Ukrainian language and the language of the national
minorities. In fact, it was a complex program in fundamental teaching of Ukrainian language,
learning Ukrainian literature, history and geography. Some months’ courses for learning Ukrainian
language and Ukraine’s Studies were created for state personalities. Sometimes these courses
existed formally, though their visitors could be discharged from their working places in case of
failing this exam. At the beginning of such courses many party and economic employees attend
them only sometimes. As a rule, they communicated among themselves in Russian or in mixture
of Ukrainian and Russian languages. Their reports also were not given in Ukrainian.
Nevertheless strong and persistent policy in the sphere of language gave its certain positive
results. The documents say that at the beginning of 1929 Ukrainian language confirmed its
position in all spheres of public life in Ukraine.[/restab]

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