№ XXIII, 2014

LOBKO N.V. (Sumy) “Ispovednye vedomosti” of churches: information potential and peculiarities of their using in reconstruction of pedigrees
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BUGRII V.S. (Sumy) Scientific bases establishment of historical local study in ukraine (the second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century)
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AGARIN E.V. (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) Leo Tolstoy and Tolstoyism in disciples’ criticism
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KUDINOV D.V. (Sumy) Rumours as the means of peasants’ sociopolitical activity mobilization at the beginning of the 20th century: historical and historiographical discourse
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SHEVCHUK B.L. (Zhytomyr) Legislative regulation and practice of applying full powers the Volhynian treasury chamber towards the jews in 1796-1860-ies
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MAKSYMOV O.V. (Zhytomyr) Expert discrimination in the poles judicial reform in 1864 on the Rignt-bank Ukraine
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DEGTYAREV S.I., FEDCHYSHYNA V.V., FORIS Yu.B. (Sumy, Kyiv, Kyiv) Vianor and Аdrian Frankowski: materials for the biography
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YERMAKOVA V.Ya., ROMANYUK I.M. (Vinnytsia) Аctivity of international organizations of ARA and “JOINT” on grant help child’s population of east podillya region in the conditions of hunger (1921-1923)
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ZHMAKA V.M. (Sumy) Revisiting passing and utilization of municipal financial estimates in the 1920s (evidence from Left-bank Ukraine cities)
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NESTERENKO V.A. (Sumy) Factors of de-urbanisation in the military zone of Ukraine (1941-1943)
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PEKARCHUK V.M. (Luhansk) Education as a form of promotion of cultural-artistic achievements of ethnic minorities in ukraine: trends 1990-2000-ies
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FINNIK S.V. (Kharkiv) The Bulgars ethnonym related to its ethnic origin
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TARAN V.K. (Sochi, Russia) Crawford K.R., Mitiukov N.W. Identification of the parameters of naval artillery. – Prague: Vеdecko vydavatelskе centrum “Sociosfеra-CZ”, 2013. – 212 p. (ISBN 978-80-87786-52-9)
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POBOZHIY S.I. (Sumy) Oboznaya V., Derevyanko O. “Unknown”: elucidation of the mystery. Experience of the art investigation. – SPb .: Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg University, 2013. – 36 p., ill.
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