Formation of Latin literature in Italy in the early Middle Ages (VI-X century)
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The article considers a range of issues related to the characteristics of the formation and
development of Latin literature in Italy in the early Middle Ages. Selected issues-oriented analysis
and coverage of literary tradition during the VI-X centuries. In addition, this article is characterized
by a number of the most prominent contemporary writers, theologians and historians,
among which the first mentioned Pope Gregory the Great, langobard historian and poet Paul
the Deacon, writer and philosopher Kassyodor, Spanish theologian St. Isidore of Seville, Frankish
historian St. Gregory of Tours, Anglo-Saxon historian and writer Beda Honourable, poet, philosopher
and translator Alcuin. Analyzed literary heritage of Rabanne Moor, Radhera Verona,
Vidukynd Korvey also. It is considered also the works of Hrotsvit Handersheymskiy, Otloh
Emmeramskiy, Ansell Scholastica, Lamperat Hersfeldskiy, Anastasiy Librarian, Liutprand
Cremon. Simultaneously, the article highlights literary achievements of Carolingian Renaissance
era, the activities of Aachen “Academy” in the Frankish kings and emperors Charlemagne,
aesthetic and genre priorities in the literature Ottonivskoho revival.
Research attention is also given of the early medieval scribes in the preservation and transmission
of subsequent centuries heritage of ancient learning, literary exchange between Byzantium, Italy
and France, didactic, hagiographic and epistolographics works written in Latin.[/restab]
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