The role of the Ukrainian diaspora in the EU member states in the process of formation and implementation of national cultural diplomacy at the beginning of the 21st century
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The paper deals with aspects of rule the Ukrainian Diaspora in the development and implementation of cultural diplomacy of Ukraine. The criteria differential of influence of Ukrainian Diaspora in the Ukraine cultural diplomacy of tree periods. First period 1991-2003 characteristics as latent influence of Ukrainian Diaspora in cultural diplomacy of Ukraine. Two period 2004-2013 was influence activity Ukrainian Diaspora in development of Ukraine image in Europe. Third period began of Revolution of Dignity and evolution to now. Public organizations of foreign Ukrainianity play an increasingly important role in the dialogue of European cultures forming socio-economic and political preconditions for the development of the modern European Union. In this case, culture is seen as the quintessence of all kinds of human activity, customs, beliefs, that is, all material and spiritual, created by people. The historical definition of culture emphasizes the important role of the socio-historical heritage, the corresponding tradition. Normative approach to culture distinguishes a specific way of life of a person, determined by its socio-cultural environment. After the Revolution of Dignity and Russian aggression against Ukraine, the activity of civic organizations of the Ukrainian diaspora in Europe, which contributed to the formation of a positive attitude towards the belligerent Ukraine in the member states of the European Union, increased significantly. Actual problems of the implementation of Ukraine’s foreign policy are to provide adequate conceptual foundations, personnel diplomatic potential, information support of foreign policy activities, its harmonization with internal politics.[/restab]
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European Union, European integration, Ukrainian Diaspora, cultural diplomacy.[/restab]
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