Identifier in the Media Entities Register: R30-03095 (Decision No. 541 of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting dated 29.02.2024).

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1643 dated December 28, 2019, «On Approval of the Decisions of the Attestation Board of the Ministry», the journal «Sumy Historical and Archival Journal»» was assigned category «B» in the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine. Fields of Science: History; Specialty: 032 – History and Archeology.

Founder and Publisher:  Sumy State University.

Language(s) of the publication: Ukrainian, English.

Publication frequency: The journal is published two times a year: June, December. Articles are accepted until May 15, and November 10.

Program objectives: Publication of scientific papers by Ukrainian and foreign scholars in the fields of history and specialty 032 – History and Archeology.

Scope: Scientific articles cover all areas of historical science, including the archival studies, memoirs, historiography, source studies, archeology, history of Ukraine, world history, etc.

Target audience: Scholars, faculty members of higher and pre-higher education institutions, teachers, doctoral candidates, graduate students.

Articles written in English are published out of turn.